Exploring the Evolution of Speech Recognition Technology: From Early Beginnings to Modern Applications

Introduction The technology of recognizing speech has enhanced much over the years and what used to be simple programs and applications have advance and complicated as per the current gadgets. This journey sums up changes in algorithms, computational capabilities, and blend of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Early Beginnings 1. 1950s: The Dawn of Speech Recognition Bell Labs: Even in the early 50s Bell Laboratories engineered what was recognised as one of the earliest kinds of speech recognition systems known as the “Audrey” that had the ability to decipher digits from an individual speaker. Research Initiatives: This period was based on the possibilities of transforming speech into text, most of which remained to be confined to a limited set of keywords. 2. 1960s-1970s: The Rise of Statistical Models Harpy System: In 1971 Carnegie Mellon University, the university created The Harpy system, which could identify nearly 1,000 words through HMM te...